Friday, May 23, 2008

Hooray Pictures!!!

My House

This is the French and English teacher at my school, Mr Combary. He is my only English outlet in village and is a lot of fun to talk to. All of the other volunteers say I am starting to look a little emmaciated. All I have to say to that is that it is hot, I sweat out about 3-5 liters of water a day, and all I eat is rice and onions.

The rain has come! This is Adama, one of the girls that lives in my courtyard.

That is all I gots for right now. I will be in Ouaga all next week, and hopefully will find the time, and motivation, to write a blog. Other that that everything is going great here in Burkina. The school year is over, and a majority of my students passed. Everybody wins.


Anonymous said...


Is Adama your African princess? Thanks for the pictures, FINALLY! You are looking a little twiggy but considering where you're at and the conditions, you could look worse I suppose......

Miss you,
Michael and Jennifer

Mom and Dad of Caleb said...

Happy Birthday, C. J. ! Wish we could send you birthday cake and ice cream.

Love you,

Mom & Dad

Luna Mariem said...

You're my hero buddy! Can't wait to see you :)

Mom and Dad of Caleb said...

How about a new blog and some more pictures?

Love you,

Mom & Dad

liz jordan said...

And why isn't my blog linked to yours? --liz

p.s. village is boring as HELL during the rainy season. I think I actually cried out of bordeom the other day.